As the clock ticks midnight, bringing my last day in Brownsville to a close - at least until Christmas - and as my dad, brother, mom and I load up my many boxes and suitcases (4!), I think it is finally dawning on me that, well, this is it!
So, here are my goodbyes:
First off I would like to say adios and good riddance to Brownsville, but I was also like to say goodbye to some people that I will dearly miss. I don't know if you noticed or not - you probably didn't, it's okay- I didn't have a senior will in the yearbook. But here it is- and then some.
I, Hannah Nunez, bequeath the following to;
Noah- an amazing junior and senior year at SJA, my car, my room, cat hair- lots of cat hair- and a whole lot of love.
Valeria- photo shoots, glitter, magpies, long talks about stupid boys, and a crazy lady with red hair and high-heels.
MaKayKay- why are you so cool? I leave you six lipshitz, red lipstick, the Wizard of Oz, yellow high-heels and a really big hug.
Baby Gina- *air kisses*, Prada Marfa, and an essay about Coco Chanel.
Alanna- spanish class, that one guy, an amazing senior year, and plenty of popped hipbones and immaculate conceptions.
Baby Fer & Alanna- the triangle of trust
Baby Fer- hugs and kisses, wild parties, vines about everything, and 1D love.
Francis- fitness memories, sweethearts love, and hugs and kisses because I adore you.
Hannah- telepathy, gum, spanish class, and a stick figure that will always be in my heart
KJ- the Starbucks date we never had, bow-ties, and a big hug.
Last but not least- the crazy people I call some of my best friends-
Sarah- shit loads of oreos, Effy, calculous programs, parties in a neon orange sweatshirt, stolen sunglasses and dinos on a spaceship.
Kelsey- love since freshmen year, that stupid Spain brochure, a best selling album made in Physics class, Rube Goldberg, cake boss, shlitterbahn, and a crappy garden.
Bonnie- seperation anxiety, essie, red mango and the notebook
Clara- AP workbook mixups, and dancing on chairs.
Nicole- sleepovers in 6th grade, footprints on your chair, hidden waterbottles, and not yeeeeetttt!
Alyssa- "Shitty Sheila", "distractions" "Jeep One to Jeep Two" waterslides and white trash
Cassie- a photo shoot, pimp cups, 6am workouts and after parties
Marisa- PLL, 9Lives, & Harry-Potter-movie-marathons
Victoria- cats, studs, revenge, sherlock, and board meetings.
"If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies"
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