Hey there everyone!
Because I haven't done much since I last blogged, I thought I would show you what I actually do all the time:
homework and food.
I eat and I do homework & repeat.
So here's my August in homework and food.
Fair warning- it takes ages to upload pictures, & even longer to organize them chronologically- so bare with me. They'll be in a random order and I most likely won't remember when they were taken. But whatever.
Here's some Ideation Sketching homework. Picked patterns and drew them. |
here's a shot of the finished project from the picture above. we picked a couch and drew it in elevation and put the pattern on it. I did one for each pattern. |
Hey look! Food! This is from a really great place in DTLA, The Counter. Avocado Burger and Sweet Potato Fries. |
I need to start buying KitKats in bulk. Love these things. This one had a heart! |
more ideation sketching homework! We sketched six places in the FIDM Library in elevation and colored them. Lots of detail. |
here's an insta-shot of the prop room at FIDM. For my Survey of Visual Communications class, we had a lecture about the different types of manniquins, then visited the proproom. it was creepy. |
Yojie! I never worked so hard for my food in all my life. again- you should see me attempt to use chop-sticks. |
Panini Cafe, right across the street from school! Chicken Caesar Salad. hell yes for student discounts! |
fifty shades of grey
Color and Design Theory Project |
finished product for the color and design theory values project. |
parmesan fries at the counter. YUM |
elevation sketching of a period living room for Ideation Sketching |
I successfully made broccoli just like my moma does. You have no idea how proud I was. |
hey look! I actually did something this week! After our Thursday classes, Steph Zoe & I went to IN N OUT on Sunset. |
So, Steph had to order for me- but I had a burger, protein style (no bun) and fries, animal style. |
a sunset on sunset blvd |
remember that elevation drawing of that living room? not bad, huh? |
okay, this one is still in-progress. This is a model Fashion Show for my Survey of Visual Communications class. Made from mat board and foam board.
So there you have it, folks! August in food and homework!
If there's anything I've learned so far- besides how to use various knives, how much hot glue smells, and how much of a headache you can get from rubber cement- it's that the devil is in the details.
So, Happy Labor Day! Happy Birthday Kelsey & Happy Birthday Amari!
& cheers to a long weekend!
"If it's both terrifying and amazing, then you should definitely pursue it."
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